Our Services
- C. Sukumaran & Co.
- Insurance & Reinsurance
Insurance and Reinsurance
Insurance & Reinsurance are one of the key areas of practice in our firm. In this respect, we have been retained to act for Clients amongst others for claims in that are in excess off RM120million. We have been retained to act for our Insurance Clients and to also advise and participate in Cross Border Arbitration which included the appointment of esteemed Queen’s Counsels from the United Kingdom.
In the area of Insurance Litigation, we have brought in a new perpective in the manner in which we had approached our briefs. We had utilised our commercial and civil litigation expertise to further benefit our Clients. Our experience and expertise in both commercial and civil litigation utilised to the fullest have brought about successful results for our Insurance Clients. The reason for such results lies squarely that we had placed special attention on issues that are not emphasied in practice by most Insurance Practioners and these would include areas such as pleadings drafted by the Plaintiff(s). Added to such knowledge and also our trial advocacy, we have had the pleasure of having Suits dismissed despite there being in existence a valid claim initiated by the Plaintiff(s).
We are aggressive when the need arises and we are realistic where the circumstance likewise requires the same. However in either approach taken, our Client’s interest are maintained and placed as the fundamental priority. We have made it a standard practice that all briefs are perused not only by the Juniors but also by the seniors and Partners. This is to ensure that no details are left out and the Client benefits from the attention to details. It is for these reasons that we are appointed to act for matters that ranges from the Magistrate Courts to an International Arbitration.